Sunday, May 10, 2009

another week

okay so here comes the end of another week. 
How time flies.

So yeah. Mid year exam coming up. Finals are also approaching. This is scary. heh.

I should change topic my blog has been flooded with everything on schoolworks lately =D

Anyway so I went to a friend's house for dinner last night. Big house mansion. Awesome people. Good food. To sum it all up? Perfect Saturday night. =D

p/s i really should get a camera. or a good phone with a camera. I think, a Blackberry =D. But would have to wait till next year. =(

Gosh I've not been abreast with all my fav tv shows ever since school started. This is bad.

Anyway cheers for another week. Hope things get more interesting through this week. =D

pp/s go get twitter y'all it's about time.

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