Thursday, December 31, 2009

res 09

OH MY. 2009 is gonna end in just a few hours! and a new year is about to begin. Time surely flies.

Well, let's evaluate my resolution for this year.

1) be a better person (..not sure)
2) whine less (failed.)
3) insult less (not sure as well. LOL)
4) money spent less (...uhm...)
5) be more punctual (was i?)
6) go to church more often (...i think so.)
7) be a happier person overall/learn to appreciate (i think i failed.)
8) study very very hard for U6/get better results than last year (yay passed!)
9) do my school homework this year (define "do".)
10) exercise more (failed miserably)
11) go to KL after stpm. (YAY PASSED.)

LOL this is embarrassing.

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