Wednesday, December 29, 2010

dear you,

Anyone who knows me should know that I rarely listen to songs in which, I'll have a hard time understanding the lyrics.

..and that includes mandarin songs. 

So you'll never see me listening to raps by Jay Chou(God knows what is he talking about) or some songs about "sorry" by SuperJunior. 
And I can honestly say I'd never listened to more than 5 Japanese songs before. The only Japanese song that I'd listened to the most would be Doraemon's theme song (tottemo daisuki~)

But once in a while you come across some songs, that even though you dont quite understand what are they singing, but the way they sing it shows how meaningful the song is. 

And mind you, those songs are really good. 

I don't remember if I've ever introduced this song in my blog, but oh well..

Angela Aki - Tegami
She's actually half Japanese, half Italian. Which explains why she doesn't really look like a Japanese. =D

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