Tuesday, January 01, 2008

new year resolution?

omg this is goin 2 be a hell loads of bullsh*ts

well..not all tho

1) Go to a Muse concert (doesn't seem like it'll happen)

2) Buy a trenchcoat ( i don't really care if it's either the Gap or the Banana Republic but i hope it's the Burberry one!)

3) stop buying things till either august or december (sales yarr)

4)save money (at least 1700++ in bank at the end of 2008)

5)get hold of ORIGINAL cd that i've wanted for a long time (u know how i get musics...just like how you did :DDD)

6)DON'T GO TO LOWER 6!!!! (OH PUHLEEEZZZZ i'm beggin on me knees D: )

7)be less picky on how i wear or what clothing label i buy or what i'm wearing..stop looking at designer labels (not gonna happen but oh well worth the shot)

8)be a better friend/brother/(....any others)

9)less criticism/complains (like..seriously??? what gave me the idea of this)

10) go to church more often (seriously this is a must)

11) grow up (i'm not childish..am i?)

i believe only the last 4 will i be able to achieve.

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