Sunday, December 20, 2009


Back from KL. a wonderful trip. except for the singapore part tho. too crowded. too many people on such a small island. I was worried the island was gonna sink any moments. hehehehe

Anyway, pictures up..uhm..soon. promise. eventually. =)

I still cant help but keep wondering if i have to study every other minute. It's like, I keep having this autonomic reflex to study or do homework or stuffs like that. As if I've got exam tomorrow since tomorrow is monday. I keep forgetting that it's holidays already. LOL too used to form 6 i guess.

anyway, how is my new found freedom? awesome. amazing. sweeter than anything. I love holidays. No matter how bored people keep telling me that it'll be, I'll still love the holidays. Uh-may-zing.

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