Friday, November 14, 2008

there isnt anything to blog about!!!

holiday has been fun so far... yes i aint sick from all the sleeping and doin nothing.

christmas is near! YAY

and i've been doing some catching up with all the tv series. all the dramas in the shows are rather intimidating i must say. LOL

and considering how low is the exchange rate for GBP-RM lately...ive asked a particular close friend of mine to hop off to do some shopping for me =DDDD (its not that i want to buy stuff! it's because i have 2 grab the chance while the rate is still low okay stop lecturing me shaddap)

and an invitation to lindsay's dolce london party..why did i ever subscribe to that when i aint even in london. oh well.

retail therapy! cant wait

and this is a sucked up post. ignore it.

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