Sunday, November 22, 2009


Only one paper done.

I have 3 this week. 3 papers in 3 consecutive days. The thought of it makes me cringe in fear.

...I don't know. Feeling kinda down.

It feels like as if I'm in this war all alone. No one is helping me. I feel so helpless.

Well, it's true. Why should anyone care. It's your exam. Deal with it.

I know, i know. You're saying "But God is with you!"

Well, sometimes when you're extra down and sad, you just cant help it.

I'm tired, I'm exhausted. I have no more will.

But I must go on. 

cause I know that some of my friends are supporting me all the way!

I have faith. A faith that can move mountains. I have faith that God will help me get 4As!

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