Thursday, December 31, 2009
res 09
Well, let's evaluate my resolution for this year.
1) be a better person (..not sure)
2) whine less (failed.)
3) insult less (not sure as well. LOL)
4) money spent less (...uhm...)
5) be more punctual (was i?)
6) go to church more often (...i think so.)
7) be a happier person overall/learn to appreciate (i think i failed.)
8) study very very hard for U6/get better results than last year (yay passed!)
9) do my school homework this year (define "do".)
10) exercise more (failed miserably)
11) go to KL after stpm. (YAY PASSED.)
LOL this is embarrassing.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
I need a divine intervention. Help from God. A miracle from God. actually 2 miracles from God.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
you just wish for a helping hand and not have to solve every single problem yourself.
sometimes, you just wish for someone you can talk to all the time without worrying you'll scare/annoy that person off.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas
santa claus (never was),
christmas deco,
family gathering,
getting drunk(most stupid thing a person can do during the christmas season. complete imbeciles. pft)
but instead. i believe that christmas is..
the day where God sent His beloved Son into the world.
the day where Christ was born.
the day which made all the difference. where our future will never be the same again because of this day.
the day filled with joy, love, hope and peace.
=D a very happy christmas to all.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
the best belated-birthday party. ever.
for the record, I still think i look kinda retarded wearing that crown. =(
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Anyway, pictures up..uhm..soon. promise. eventually. =)
I still cant help but keep wondering if i have to study every other minute. It's like, I keep having this autonomic reflex to study or do homework or stuffs like that. As if I've got exam tomorrow since tomorrow is monday. I keep forgetting that it's holidays already. LOL too used to form 6 i guess.
anyway, how is my new found freedom? awesome. amazing. sweeter than anything. I love holidays. No matter how bored people keep telling me that it'll be, I'll still love the holidays. Uh-may-zing.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
more than 600 days,
4 subjects,
many books,
thousand of pages,
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
VERY very surreal.
Later on, I'll be having my PA paper 1.
Tomorrow I'll be having my chemistry paper 1, which is also my last paper.
All in all, it has been a great experience. I would not have missed it for the world.
p/s: I thank my friends who have been great support throughout these times, even if I was a big whiny baby. The littlest support and motivation that you all have given me, I truly thank you all. No matter if it was a paragraph full of inspirational quotes or just a short "you can do it", I appreciate it. =) you know who you are.
pp/s: I do believe i deserve a little break by indulging myself in some retail therapy after all of this dontcha think XD
Sunday, December 06, 2009
This never ending problems. The mounting amount of problems, it's so overwhelming.
Problems after problems.
I just wish I can run away to a place where no one can find me. Just for a week. so that i can rest..
Friday, December 04, 2009
I've been getting sleepless nights this entire week. Even if i do get some sleep it's not all great. I'll wake up like, every 30 minutes or something.
bah. too much stuff in my mind i guess.
I'll just spend this time studying my biology.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
2) ..and 30 minutes of non-stop attempt of signing into msn messenger.
streamyx. seriously?
i am not happy. not happy at all. if another streamyx technician asks me to check my IP and DNS thingy one more time i am gonna scream and yell profanities to him like there's no tomorrow which can put the person with the worst potty mouth to shame.
ahhaha jokes. please dont take me too seriously now. i think i am slightly insane.
But the complaints above are real! just the profanity part is..uhm..ahh nevermind.
anyway, on the other note..
I am leading another p&w session this sunday! after such a long time, I am starting to get worried. I mean, we are lacking musicians this week so I've decided since we've only got pianist, drummer and guitars (acoustic and bass), we might as well just do an acoustic session right? something very laid back and not very rockish. that oughta be interesting.
the problem is,
I have not sung for such a long time.
I tried practicing, and i realized i sounded like a teenage wailing banshee.
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
As i was putting away the book, I suddenly felt...
I know i know. I was begging for it to be done before this. But now, after 2 years, I had no idea that it had became a part of my life. I've become so attached to it that, when I put it away, I feel like I'm shutting out a part of my life.
There's this feeling of voidness in my head. Like, something is missing.
My teachers were right. We will be too attached to all of these.
As much as I've hated maths, I've become used to the workload i guess.
My heart is reluctant to let it go.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
ughh. frustrated.
very upset now. I just hope that doesn't ruin my chances of getting a scholarship.
it feels like all the hard work that i've put into it has been wasted.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
"SO! what are you gonna study next year?/where are you gonna go next year?"Never did I imagine that it'll year. I always thought it was 2010 but I did not realize that'll be next year. =X
anyway. So. what do i exactly wanna do?
I always wanted to do something that
But looking at my results now, I don't think I'll be getting any MBBS from any school anytime soon(or anytime at all!). And so pharmacy it is. Besides, I don't wanna screw up my chance of getting a JPA scholarship, so i rather apply for something that's more...realistic. and which is more accessible. see? =D
But IF I do not get any scholarship (which I hope not), I will end up in one of those government universities (again, which I hope not!). Apparently my parents think the course that I am applying for is too expensive. Well, quite true tho. So scholarship. PLEASE!
Then again, IF my results sucks so badly that I can neither do pharmacy or medicine ( I blame stpm.), worse comes to worst, I will have to become a teacher. Yes. A teacher. What subject? Probably chemistry, the subject which i like the most.
BUT! I am trying to be positive! =D all my papers are, alright. So far so good. So I'm hoping for a miracle(actually, many miracles). I'm trying to not think of the "worse comes to worst" situation first. gonna stay positive. And I am quite sure God will help me. =)
uhm, so. are you not entertained?
Saturday, November 28, 2009
get a grip, terrr. suck it up. stop whining.
but i cant help it. I get messages like, "ugh holidays are soooo boring la. rather be in school now. i hate holidays" but are you serious about that? cause for all i know, during those schooldays, you were literally begging for the holidays.
please be considerate ok. there are some people out there who are still working their butt off, wishing for their holidays to come. all your complaints about your holidays will not help. stop being so bitter about it.
bah. upset.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
=D happy thanksgiving... everyone. =)
My next paper doesnt start till next Tuesday so I'm grabbing this chance to get some rests.
and to blog.
So, since it's thanksgiving today, just wanted to make a list of things i'm thankful for.
I am thankful for:-
- being a Christian. =)
- having the most awesome-est family and the best-est parents, bro and sis
- having the most wonderful bunch of teachers to teach me this 2 years of form 6
- going to form 6. not an easy task, but the sense of accomplishment is amazing.
- 10th of december! retail therapy!
- getting the adequate amount of blessings, not too much or i'll get spoilt and not too little as well.
- living in a country where natural disasters are rarely seen
- not being born into a very very poor country. or living in poverty.
- having all the basic necessities in life.
and i'm also thankful for every single one of my friends!
if i start naming everyone, that might take me forever, and this post will get very tedious. so uhm, these are just a few people who helped me a lot this year.
adrian - my reliable chat buddy
louis - the wise guy with wise advice.
lea - for the tea! and being bestie numero uno
dory - the motivator.
xiao mei - best listener in the world. the most patient as well, always there to listen to my ramblings. =)
and many others. no i did not forget you. =) every little things that y'all do, i appreciate it deeply.
so yea, happy thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
I have 3 this week. 3 papers in 3 consecutive days. The thought of it makes me cringe in fear.
...I don't know. Feeling kinda down.
It feels like as if I'm in this war all alone. No one is helping me. I feel so helpless.
I know, i know. You're saying "But God is with you!"
Well, sometimes when you're extra down and sad, you just cant help it.
I'm tired, I'm exhausted. I have no more will.
But I must go on.
cause I know that some of my friends are supporting me all the way!
I have faith. A faith that can move mountains. I have faith that God will help me get 4As!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This all feels so surreal.
I actually feel like I'm in a war.
And i've finally reach the battlefield. The atmosphere is tense, everyone is not talking. I'm waiting for the enemy, I can see it already.
I dont know if i bought enough ammo.
..hope so.
I'm in this alone. It's me against everything else. All i have is my brain, myself and I. With supports from teachers, motivation from friends and the encouragements of others.
And the strength of the Lord. =)
this is frightening.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Class officially ended today. But still, the finals are in 2 days time. X.X
but then I finally got my wish, that is, to leave Form 6.
if you were to ask me, am i happy?
...i dont know how to answer.
Bittersweet perhaps?
Happy cause i dont have to endure waking up at 6 am in the morning and go home after an exhausting day.
Sad cause I am gonna miss the people. the atmosphere. the funs.
Kinda reluctant tho. maybe it's just me. =\
I'm never gonna return to that school again as a student. Just an outsider, or an alumni. LOL.
definitely gonna miss them awesome teachers. I'll have to say, after years of studying, the teachers were the nicest these 2 years. Never, did I come across kinder teachers than the ones i had these 2 years.
and i've met the bunch of funniest schoolmates i've ever met as well. Any conversation would usually end up with us either LOL-ing hard or bursting into tears of laughter.
It has been a roller-coaster ride.
This year has been good. Well, sometimes it's bad(when it comes to exams) but then, most of the time it's good. =)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
In Hebrews these 3 words were mentioned; persevere(10:36), do not lose heart(12:5) and endure (12:7).
Although chances of getting As seems pretty slim, but I'm not giving up hope. I'll have faith, faith that God will help and provide. I will not doubt. I'm counting on God.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Philippians 4:13
"I can do EVERYTHING through HIM who gives me STRENGTH - Philippians 4:13"
Yeup. so true.
Monday, November 09, 2009
I'm on my last kilometer now. :) i cannot believe this is all gonna be over soon.
Call me emotional but you wont understand how would feel, never. Not unless you're in form 6 as well.
I'm so close now. It feels so surreal.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
another nice one.
you know you've still got someone that you can count on. :D
I used to think probably I can go through this ordeal by myself. Boy was i wrong.
Ever since I started relying more on Him, I've realized that revision times are less painful now. I can even memorize chapters after chapters and still be able to remember it the next day. =)
so yea, have a blessed week everyone!
Friday, November 06, 2009
a worth of sacrifice.
Ever wondered what does it mean when us Christians always say, "For God so loved the world that He gave up His one and only son.."
Well, I have the best video to explain that to you.
Watch this, please. No matter how busy or bored or sad you are. Just watch. No regrets I promise.
Thursday, November 05, 2009
ok please, enough.
Good day to you.
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Operation memorize-every-single-word-in-my-biology-textbook, on!
The only reason I’m doing that is because apparently only 2 people got A in the last STPM exam. Out of 16. So most prolly the probability of getting an A in biology would be 1/8. O_O
So dead. so so dead.
Miracles? Now would be a good time for you to show up.
Anyway, would be updating less. MUCH MUCH less. =(
=D Seeing you brightens my day.
I wonder if you feel the same way as well.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
just for fun.
Muse - Starlight Live at the EMAs
and another song that i am addicted to now.
Croatian Rhapsody. =D
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
:( *rambles, read if you seriously have nothing to do*
It’s ok to feel sad once in a while right?
I don’t know.. everything feels so difficult.
So close yet so far.
I don’t think I’m ready for this “battle”. Still shopping for armors and ammunitions. =D
Bah, no Swat Vac(holidays before exams).
trying to hold on. It’s only 39 days away. Fun is seriously seriously on it’s way now. If you had told me that 5 months ago I would have not believed. Now I do. It’s really close now.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Tomorrow officially marks the day where I will never have to take another high school exam ever again.
Mixed feelings actually. Can't believe I'm gonna leave high school.
Not really looking forward to uni years. It's like going back to kindergarten and making new friends, again. =\
But! I really want to get STPM over with super quickly.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
I am seriously sick of P.A. and maths already. Inorg chem as well.
=( I CANNOT wait for 10th of december. cannot wait.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
From The Inside Out - Hillsong
Life may be super hectic and exhausting right now that you may think it's going on 10000mph. But take a few minutes to listen to this song. It's only 5 minutes. You won't regret, I promise. =D
I hope the song blesses you as much as it did to me.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
fun thought
Yesterday I suddenly thought of the times during our biology lessons in Form 5. Grace once asked me if I had ever heard any of the songs and she'll hum those songs. During then, I had no idea.
Only lately did I figure out what were those songs she was humming. LOL
L O V E - Nat King Cole. A pretty nice song.
took me a while to figure out this song. LOL and why the subs? cause all the other videos wont let me embed. only this one.
random post. =|
Monday, September 21, 2009
it is inevitable that when some people go away to some other places for further studies, they change.
Their lifestyles, their personality..
Their friends.
I bet half of the time you don't even remember that you still have a friend back here in this lil town. Or i bet you think we're no longer cool, nor hip. You think you're the city kids now.
Great. perfect.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
One day, while I was happily eating chips, I suddenly saw something on the packagings
like, WOW. I mean, I was surprised. This is soo cool!
They've got different bible verses for each different package! I'm sure they've finished writing all the verses in the bibles. =D
And some random stuffs..
Just something that cheered me up. =)Thursday, September 10, 2009
School has been tough, esp when you're trying to catch up with everything. Sometimes i feel like my life is running 10000000mph. I needta slow down. Too much stuffs to do. This week is probably the longest week of my life. Friday couldn't have come sooner. I'm looking forward to another week of break =)
It's really frustrating when you try to do some questions but then you end up with a blank mind. I feel so lousy and useless sometimes.
Apparently i find it interesting while I'm tutoring. Don't know why, I just like it. Prolly it's the subject I'm teaching. Or how I have plenty of fun while teaching them. Problem is I just hope they understands! :(
Salvatore has new shoes! check them out at some are really good. I have a soft spot for their sneakers. =)
Been having recurring dreams about christmas lately. Prolly it's because i miss the holiday seasons too much. I cant wait for december to come this year.
Wouldn't you do the same too if somebody has turned you down so many times, at some point you'll be like, "I'll go and make new friends". I just dont understand some people.
And that will be everything cramped in one =)
Friday, September 04, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
1) I woke up late for my first day of the STPM examination. The supervisor would not let me take the test and kept yelling to me, "It's OVERRRRRRR"
2) I could not do any of the questions(same exam), and I got horrible marks. Everyone was laughing at me =(
3) I dreamed that all my loved ones died. My best friends, my family. All left was me and my brother. We were sitting on a stone in a graveyard. And it wasn't those lovely graveyards with green grasses, nooo. It was crowded with big large deteriorated angel statues like those you'll usually see in horror movies. It was scary.
4) I was standing in a bloody cathedral. This one was just a short one but heck, a bloody cathedral. How scary was that. Woke up to a racing heartbeat and sweaty forehead.
and some other random nightmares. Seriously was it something i ate?
Saturday, August 29, 2009
it's all gonna be alright
You may feel pretty lousy. and that is fair. cause you're gonna get past this.
But the great thing is that with every tough times, there will definitely be a happy ending to it. Life will definitely be better, times will change and finally you'll be the one who enjoys the success. Plus, if you don't fail how do you suppose that you'll get better? If you're always number 1, you'll be bored with the sweet taste of success after a long run.
Of course, you may say that you don't know the future, and neither do I. No. But I have faith. I have faith that you'll succeed.
So yea. just bear with it. Because it is all gonna end. You're gonna look back someday and appreciate all these lessons life has taught you.
p/s i'm no psychologist or big-shot wise guy but i'm just trying to type out what i feel from all this. =) may not be the best advice.
Biology P.1 - 07th December
Biology P.2 - 19th November
Chemistry P.1 - 10th December (you've gotta be kidding. my flight leaves that morning)
Chemistry P.2 - 24th November
Pure Maths P.1 - 25th November
Pure Maths P.2 - 1st December
I mean, isn't it annoying how all the subject's paper are split into 2 days. and 2 weeks apart! I might have forgotten everything after 2 weeks! It's like, are you seriously gonna ask us to study the same thing TWICE. Gawsh this was never part of my plan. This is definitely my worst case scenario.
My brain just exploded.
Do pray. Pray hard.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
your megawatt smile can definitely blind my eyes.
I like holidays. Freedom, rests, just the things i need after a tiring month. I'm just thankful for this holiday. Definitely appreciating these times more.
And it annoys me when those brats start complaining how boring their holidays are or how they hate holidays. I would really like them to be in my shoes for one day. =)
Missed my mega sales =( will have to wait till december.
I'm worried for my mock exam results this time. I got terrible marks for my chemistry. Not really upset anymore, just worried. Like, how am I gonna pass my finals with this kind of results. bahhh worries.
Most of the time I'm dreaming of the day where I can kiss Form 6 goodbye. Where I will not have to worry about my mathematics or having to write lousy PA essays. Or I'll dream about getting straight As maybe? =) well they are just dreams. nothing more. I'm just hoping that December can really come sooner cause I am running out of motivation to continue this race.
Oh and don't forget the nightmares. Once i dreamed that I didn't know how to answer any of the questions in my biology paper and I was ready to kill myself. Or how I woke up late to my exams. Those were not good dreams i tell ya.
I thank God for the people who created encryption. Allows me to blatantly express myself without having the need to worry about anyone seeing it =)
anyway guess that shall be it. cheers and have a great week everyone.
p/s LV has a new line for men called Monogram Macassar. I think it's pretty cool but i prefer Damier graphite imo. check it out! =D
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
and so it seems
It has been a very long week.
Late sleeping hours, long revision hours, tiring exam week.
Crappy results, feeling like all the hard work you've put in has come to a waste.
Tons of homework to occupy my holidays.
Bah. The surprises that comes with life.
But what you CAN do is to learn and grow from all this..
and i'm still trying to figure that part out.
anyway, had a good night on Friday. Had an awesome party at miss cheery's house. She throws awesome parties. =)
cheers. =)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Well, it was either to hold on for another 4 months or to cut my wrist. so i just opted for the tidier of the two.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
when exam comes,
I look like I have not slept in ages, feel like that too.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I mean like seriously, there are people who are homeless and living in shelters or erected tents in the middle of an open field. They don't have anything; no cars, no toilets, nothing. They basically carry all their possessions in a big garbage bag and carry it around everyday searching for shelters. On top of that, they are still jobless.
Which made me wonder how blessed we are. We are still here, still well. I have a decent house to live in. I am still able to go to school everyday and come home to an abundant supply of daily necessities. Even though my cars are old and starting to get crappy but I am still thankful that I do not have to walk to my destinations. I'm just thankful for the abundant blessings God has given upon me.
And it kinda disappoints me that at these tough times, even though the recession is not very serious here in Malaysia, there are still people who are desperate enough to spend within their means just to get what they want; just to obtain what they think it's 'necessary'. I know someone who would be willing to empty their bank account just to buy a Salvatore shoe. Even when his/her parents have advised him/her about not being able to afford such luxuries. But no, he/she refused to accept that.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
it's that time again.
Well, I'm just about to find out.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
pict of the day

© Yann Arthus-Bertrand
*click on picture to enlarge*
This picture is too adorable. Can you spot the penguin?
This actually made my day. :)
Sunday, August 09, 2009
And then you realised that what you wanted is no longer there anymore and they've decided that it's Fall and it's time for a change of season.
So soon?
I just hope they've got what I want in KL by year end. I don't wanna buy winter sweater and wear it in KL.
All my good friends aren't here. :(
And sometimes I wonder if they still remember my existence, cause frankly, it's been a while.
Have not spoken to some lately.
I just hope this friendship never ends.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Yes i purposely emphasized on that word.
No no. not just a cluster school. it's THE cluster school of excellence.
and never forget the word EXCELLENCE!
I think it's actually pointless
Anyway. What's the story.
Ever since our school managed to obtain that title, my headmaster has been showing it off. Yes like, showing off BIG time. Very peculiarly, that title always pops up in every single speech he gives or in everything he do.
And then I just heard that teachers are not allowed to, quote, "carry plastic bags in the school anymore". Why? cause it's not of high standards. Not classy. So what, we're suppose to carry LV from now on? And drive merz to school? Or prolly wear Armani suits and Ferragamo shoes from now on.
Please be more realistic my dear headmaster. Not everyone is filthy rich in that school. We don't live in the UES.
And if you wanna talk bout classy, why don't ya upgrade the classrooms and toilets first. Only when your toilet looks better than my bedroom then will we start considering your rules.
Good day to you :)
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
another one!
Hillsong - I'm Not Ashamed
they sing really good! If only I could sing that well.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Apparently all these stressed have lowered my patience level greatly. I can no longer tolerate some people :( still have to learn to be patient. So realizing that resistance towards some people are futile, I've decided to apply the best method. It's so true when they say silence is gold.
Less talk = Less conflict = Less stress. A win-win solution.
I know this guy who oddly, whenever there is a hang-outs between friends, he will definitely be there. And as wel all know, there will always be food. But then the problem is that he never seems to want to pay! Not just once or twice but all the time! And not just that, considering everyone is just getting a quick meal or snack, he has a full 3 course meal. He orders appetizers, main course and side dishes! Plus desserts! And whenever everyone starts to pay, he just either keeps his mouth shut or he just tells the nearest person that he is sitting to, "Help me pay & I'll pay it back to you soon." Well it's fine if it's once or twice or a few times. But no! It's every single time! And apparently I guess his definition of soon = never. I don't know about y'all maybe I'm just being too sensitive but I think this is very shameless of him.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
one word
Monday, July 27, 2009
You are not allowed to resist me from studying what i want. From taking the course I want.
I'll pursue whatever course I wish to pursue and you are not going to stop me.
The only thing between me and my wish would be myself. If that even makes any sense LOL.
p/s anyway does it annoy you when you wish to do something(eg: study some specific course in college) but then people around you aren't very supportive of you. Instead they discourage you and think you should do something else instead(or in other words, follow their advice). Bleh.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
God's Chisel - The Skit Guys.
This is a very touching skit. Some of the things that they say are just very true. Kinda like a reality check. A wake up call. A slap in the face. All in a good way =)
Watch it. You'll never regret it.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
quick update.
Hmm. Nothing interesting. Just been very moody lately. Don't feel like doing anything. I feel under appreciated, I'm sick, I'm tired. Yes I am overly sensitive at times. I am paranoid and I miss my friend. Lea you MUST come back in December. And I really wish I can just fast forward the time to December right now.
=( no more motivation.
And today's biology test. I totally forgot what is haploid parthenogenesis and diploid parthenogenesis.
Friday, July 17, 2009
whisper, "hello, i miss you quite terribly."
Monday, July 13, 2009
From 88 to 77 and now 66. LOL so much for getting good marks =(
Joel Mchale. Super funny.
8 hours of classes continuously is seriously energy draining.
Internet connection is seriously bad. Took me hours just to load a 4 minutes video on youtube. =(
Some people are seriously annoying. Either you learn to be patient with them or you just want to give them a punch in the face.
I really dislike vectors. I dislike pure maths. Whatever happened to 1+1=2.
So much things to memorize in biology. Which reminds me I cannot believe that guy is studying to be a pharmacist. I just hope he doesn't poison anyone due to overdosage. No offence but he just wasn't the wisest nor the responsible kinda guy.
I want a vacation. A break. A trip to the beach will be nice. or a highland resort. mmmm.
Is it just me or is there anyone else which is experiencing a scary obsessive craving for Christmas.
I like chemistry =)
Medicine or pharmacy.
And I believe by now you are bored with this post, but if you're still reading, I salute you. You are either downright bored or you find this interesting.
I've noticed that when I'm stressed. I eat. alot. preferably comfort foods such as donuts and snacks. fast food is also good. this is very worrying. esp the risk of getting myocardial infarction.
and finally, i shall leave you all with this.

Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, July 09, 2009
translated into
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Tiredness is an everyday word.
Everyday seems like a drag. There's no more passion in what you do.
Emptiness is what you feel everyday.
You're so depressed you're scared you might get neurosis or psychosis.
Cause not many people actually understands.
You feel under appreciated.
You've failed so often that you're immuned to it.
Being compared is also not an option. You'll just have to brace yourself for the criticism in the comparison.
Dissapointment is felt so frequently that you think you're the worst person on earth.
You often wonder why is that some people's life is so easy that they are sailing through it whereas you feel like you're in a battle.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
And cheers everyone.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
how do you..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
God Of Wonders
I suggest that you take 6 minutes of your time, stop whatever you are doing, relax and listen to this song.
Friday, June 26, 2009
i think it is time for me to..
Still trying to get used to the 9 hours of schooling everyday. I'll usually end up too tired to study during weeknights. My revision plan is disrupted thanks to this.
I should really learn how to appreciate.
And i mean, A LOTTT.
I thought it was already plenty enough during the first few exams...
Imagine my mocks and STPM. Sigh.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
a quick summary of this week
Friday, June 19, 2009
this is how i feel right now
While me and my classmates looked like we have not slept for a week, they looked like they have slept for a year.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
It is not intelligence alone that brings success, but also the drive to succeed, the commitment to work hard and the courage to believe in yourself.
What's the dream?
1) To graduate with a M.D.
2) To visit Hillsong Church someday, or to be one of the singer HAHA *shrug*
3) To travel to these places:


lesson of the day.
I found my encouragement to hold on. I believe with every trial and pain, comes victory.
And my dreams and goals are what that is giving me the motivation to go on.
And don't forget God's strength as well!
I got my mid term exam results today. At least an A- for my Chemistry and Biology! Just like how I wished for.
Thank God.
Now the only problem I have now is to improve my maths and general paper. =(
And also,
School. 7 to 3:30. with only a half an hour break. They were suppose to start at 7:45 but then our principal decided to standardize everything.
Just a few more months.
Patience is bitter but the fruit is sweet.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
i don't take no for an answer
I have insomnia from all the worries and stress.
But I'm too tired to not sleep.
My whole body is going bonkers.
But still, nothing is gonna bring me downnnnn.
Just 2 more mocks and a hell to go through and it will all be over. Serious. It will be over.
Monday, June 15, 2009
And it did.
Now all Form-6 students have to study from 7am to 3:15p.
Talk about torture.
When I said that one of my new year resolution is to survive through this year, I was just kidding.
Not anymore.
So yeah, please be thankful that you're not in F6. I have no idea what am I doing in Form 6.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
this is very cool.
watch! it's very amusing. hahahaha
have a great weekend everyone
Thursday, June 11, 2009
ok so about time to update?
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
can you?
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
lol this is one of my favourite moments
as the description says, it's a bona fide tear jerker! hahaha
i just love moments like these. very touching.
watch it. might even cheer you up! =D
Saturday, June 06, 2009
People who do not know thought I had been crying.
Hello Mr Flu.
Ugh this is not bueno.
Friday, June 05, 2009
quick update
1) I should reduce my amount of hours watching E!
2) The kardashians are kinda entertaining. So is Miss Richard's Life's complicated.
3) I don't like people who constantly complains how boring their holidays are. Appreciate please darnit.
4) I would love to visit Hillsong Church one day.
5) I have not started on my holiday homeworks, nor do I plan to start on them.
6) Speidi is soo indecisive. Make up your mind already.
Cheers y'all. I am going to enjoy every second of my holiday from now on till the last day of the holidays. Can't believe it's going to be over.
p/s: I loathe going back to school. The class, the workloads, the people, the everything. Some of my classmates are cool tho.
ok laugh.
i found it more funny than appetizing.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
ok this is probably the best(multiply by infinity) song i have ever heard.
Love story meets viva la vida.
Listen to this song. No matter if you're a fan of taylor swift or coldplay, or not.
Or whatever it is. Just listen to it.
Seriously these 2 dudes are super talented.
And it doesn't hurt to look at the super cute dog which appears during the first 5 seconds.
My jaw was open for a solid 6 minutes throughout the song.
Please do yourself a favour and listen to it! LISTEN!
=D cheers.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
So what's the dream?
1) To be able to sing as good as him.
2) To be able to lead a worship session with that number of congregations.
Ok dream much? Back to reality.
p/s did i mention i love the song above?
Monday, June 01, 2009
Charity without forking a single cent.
ever wondered what does the "i'm" sign that has been around our messenger for quite some time really means?
For whichsoever charity you wish to donate, add the code to your display name. Done. It's that simple
Sunday, May 31, 2009
today's event
I was the backup singer for today.
I don't know why but every single time i quit I will find myself coming back to where I began, that is, the worship team.
I always get this unexplainable bliss every time I sing and lead worship.
It just feels, good. Very good.
Even though my singing is as crappy as a tone-deaf senior citizen.
But I don't really care. Because that is not why I am up on the stage for.
I'm worshipping Him.
I'm just glad today's worship session was great. Andrea did an amazing job leading, the congregation was very involved as well, and the best part is that God is awesome.
Have a blessed week.
what happened these few days
And I went to a christian concert last night. Overall it was not what I'd expected. I thought it was something like a typical Hillsong's concert.
Who knew.
1) If only it was in pure english, and the translator would stop translating every single word that Micah said, even when he wanted no more smoke on the stage, they even translated that."
2) Plenty of screaming and loud music does not necessarily make good music, sir. No offence.
3) Screaming is annoying, especially when you are screaming directly into the microphone. My ears are still numb. Everything I hear is fuzzy and blurry right now.
I much prefer something like this,
Hillsong - Desert Song
This is <3.
I love this song.
These two singers have absolutely amazing voices.